The human hair wig is one of the most preferred wig choices by most ladies. It's easy to install, maintain, style, and also looks glamorous when worn. However, when it comes to removing the wig, especially for a lace frontal wig, 360 lace wig or full lace wig, it can be quite challenging for some wearers.

Some ladies usually complain of scalp pain while trying to remove their hair while others complain of damaging their baby hair or even tearing their human hair wig. It’s important to note that proper hair removal increases the wig's lifespan tremendously. Luckily, in this blog, we're going to talk about how to effectively remove your human hair wig. 

 how to remove lace frontal wig glue safely - hair blog

Step by step procedure for removing your human hair wig 

  1. Prepare your human hair wig for removal 

When dealing with long wigs always ensure that your hair is styled into a ponytail to have that neat removal process. Wearing your hair into a ponytail will prevent the adhesive remover from getting onto the wig fibers.

If you have a short wig, always ensure that you use bobby pins to hold your hair strands away from your edges to prevent the adhesive remover from damaging your fibers.

  1. Apply the liquid adhesive wig remover.

Damp the edges of your human hair wig using a soaked washcloth to weaken any glue holding it, while ensuring that the back and front of your hairline are covered.

Apply the adhesive remover on tight areas on the wig and let it stay on your hair for about 2 minutes to effectively be absorbed, followed by the human hair lace seam coming off.

In case you're using alcohol adhesive, be quick when applying on the human hair seams as it usually tends to dry off a bit faster than non-alcohol adhesives. Avoid using alcohol-based adhesive removers if you have sensitive skin as it might damage the skin underneath. Oil-based glue removers are recommendable for ladies having sensitive skin.

If you are not used to using wig removers, you can try methods below to take the wig off.

  • Warm water mixture: Prepare an empty bottle, pour some water into it as well as adding a little salt or soda, shake evenly the mixture water. Just spray it around the hair edge then leave there for about 5-10 minutes with a shower cap on. You will find it can be removed easily.
  • Vaseline or emollient oil:  It is safe and gentle to remove the wig glue from scalp with Vaseline or emollient.  Wipe some on the wig glue area and leave it for minutes, then wipe it out with a wet towel. Repeat this step until you remove the glue completely.
  • Alcohol or Acetone: Wet the cotton ball with some alcohol or spray the alcohol on the edge, let it sit about 5 minutes with wearing a shower cap on. Then remove the lace front hair with patience. Try to continue applying alcohol to aiding the process if you feel pain when lifting the wig, remember that do not pull or it gonna hurt your scalp.
how to remove lace frontal wig glue safely with alcohol- hair blog
    1. Pull the human hair lace off.

    Gently begin peeling the lace seam of the human hair off by the edges until all the lace comes off. While removing the wig lace, always ensure that you avoid pulling your baby hair or damaging your hair fiber.

    Also, make sure that you remove the wigs lace seams beginning from the front section towards the back to prevent the hairline from stretching. Spray the adhesive remover under the lace in intervals to soften any hardened glue patches.

    1. Remove the wig tape form your hairline

    After the edges are off, carefully peel off the wig tape from the base sides, then lift the wig and then spray the solvent underneath the lace.

    Proceed by removing the wig gently on top of your head bit by bit while adding adhesive remover where there seems to be a slight wig removal resistance. Do this until the entire human hair wig is off your head.

    1. Remove the wig cap 

    Remove your wig cap and ensure that you dispose of it. Avoid reusing wig caps, always use a new cap for each installation done.

    1. Clean the remaining glue on your wig

    Place the human hair edges in running water and gently wash it using your fingers to remove any extra glue that may still be on the hair. Using a handheld mirror, continue cleaning the inside of your wig to remove any stubborn adhesive left. Removal of excess glue will help your hair to install easily during your next wear.

    1. Remove any glue on your skin or natural hair

    Before removing any glue on your skin, ensure that you conduct a skin test before applying an adhesive remover to prevent any possible allergies. Before using the remover on your hair, add a little quantity of it at the back of your palm and let it sit there for 24 hours.

    Wash it off and check whether your skin has any allergic reactions. In case of skin changes, contact your skin specialist and use olive oil instead. However, if there are no allergies, proceed with applying the adhesive remover on your hairline.

    1. Wash and condition your human hair wig

    If you have worn your human hair wig continuously for two weeks, wash it using a wig shampoo and hair conditioner to clean and also avoid damaging it altogether. Apply small quantities of shampoo on your wet wig and gently stroke it downwards using your fingers, then wash it off using running water.

    Using a damp towel, apply conditioner on your hair while entirely avoiding the scalp region. Let the conditioner sit in for two minutes and then rinse it off using running water. Use a wide-toothed comb to detangle your human hair before you wash it off to avoid shedding.

    1. Properly Store your human hair

    Place you wig on a stand, let it air dry and brush it as per your intended desired style, then wrap it on a plastic bag and store it well.

    1. Wash off your natural hair

    Finally, wash your natural hair using both shampoo and hair conditioner to remove any oils while leaving your hair clean and fresh for your next installation.


    Now you know how to take off your lace front wig, just keep in mind that always be patient when removing hair system off, do it step by step.

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